こんにちは, I'm Tu.

A software engineer for over 12+ years at a non-profit organization crafting experiences connecting people together.

Javascript / Vue / HTML / (S)CSS

All About from Passion

Creative Front-End Developer offering 12+ years of experience providing high-impact enterprise solutions for non-profit organization. Skilled in designing, developing and testing multiple web-based applications incorporating a range of technologies. Aspiring to combine broad background with strong technical skills to excel as a Front-End Developer to deliver rich user experiences with great user interfaces that is accessible to all.

Creator of PANL

(Primary, Accent, Neutral, & Layout)

PANL lets you explore colors in the most interesting way and how accessible they are against one another. PANL enables you to easily identify the hue, saturation, and lightness of a color. It is also very useful for designers to quickly see color relationships and how well they mesh together on a page or inside a component. Take it for a spin and let me know what you think.

Selected Works


Client: ClarifEye Total Eye Care
Site: http://clarifeyetotal.com

Oh La Lash

Client: Oh Lá Lash
Site: http://ohlalash.com

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."

Leonardo da Vinci